Sunday 3 April 2011


When the weather here gets a little nice, the squirrels will scurry out from the trees, the birds or crows here will be squawking over a piece of bread..and off in the distance, you'll notice a little curious busybody waggin' in the fun at the regular ol' park.

Who could that be?! Scroll on down and you'll see... :)

"Wewhew! No dogs on site.. the park is all mines!"

"Time to settle in and get comfortable..mmm mm!"

"Fetch the stick? I'll fetch it alright, then it's mine to eat! :D"

"Ok I guess I'll fetch MR. Ball back...
because MR. Ball is too hard to eat :("

"Nohhh wait! I can hide it in the bush here..
teehehe.. nobody will find it here.."

"What the... somebuddy took MR. Ball already?! D:"

"You got away this time, but mark my words..
I'll catch you next time.. and you'll be sowwie!"

1 comment:

  1. lol, priceless, I luv all the photos and captions too.

    Now my Kirra, would luv to follow your example, especially where sticks and chewing are concerned.

    Have a lovely day.
